Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stage 6

STAGE 6: Evaluation

in this stage i dont really have to do anything because my teacher is suppost to evaluate this and that means well I'm finished.


Stage 5

STAGE5:Creating And Sharing

In this stage I'm supposed to create a presentation but this blog is my presentation so ummmm

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stage 4

STAGE 4: Processing And Organising
In this stage i have to look though all my info and chose the
bits but since ive sort of already done that so im just going to put photos

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Stage 2

STAGE 2 : Locate And Gather In this stage we have to go find different resources for information and make a bibliography (a list of all the resources you've used to find information)

My bibliography
*school library /The natural world of New Zealand
*public library / NZ's native birds More birds The feild guide to the birds of nz

Stage 3

Stage 3 : Selecting And Recording

In this stage i have to look though all the info I've got and choose the best bits

*By 1900, there was only one island where the robins were safe Little Mangere Island.

*the black robin was formerly widespread on a number of islands in the chathams before the predator CATS

*Old blue (a very famous black robin) died at the very advanced age of 13 in late 1983 or Early 1984

*Although the normal lifespan of 5-6 years old blue did not start breeding until she was 9 years old

*most black robins breed with the same mate for life but old blue switched mates in 1978

*in a desperate move to increase the black robins population old blues eggs were put in warblers and in tomtits nests

*in 1938 three ornithologists climbed little magere island to discover a thriving robin population

*size 15 cm males 25 g females 22 g

*most eggs are laid in October and November

*they only lay 2 eggs at time

*they feed on invertebrates like caterpillars spiders beetles

*robins nests are normaly made in hollow trees or old stumps

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I am making this blog about a native endangered bird for a school project. the bird i have chosen is the black robin. My teacher has given me a homework sheet to tell me what to do.So i will be going through this stage by stage explaining what i have done and what i have to do. I hope you enjoy reading this blog and getting information at the same time.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Stage 1

STAGE 1 : Identify And Define
In this stage i have to answer all the questions below

What is the investigation about? The Black Robin.
What do i have to do? Research an extinct or endangered bird or animal and make a presentation about it.
What is the purpose of the investigation? To find out why they are endangered and what is being done to protect it.
What do i already know? It is protected on Mangere Island.
What do i need to find out? What they eats? what happened to make them endangered? where did they used to live? how many are left ? how many did there used to be? what has been done to help them ? who's involved in helping them?
What are some key words i could use to search
for information? Black Robin Little Mangere Island
How will i plan and organise my information? On this BLOG!!!!!